Monday, June 10, 2019

ICT Knowledge Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ICT Knowledge Management - Essay Example study and Communication Technology (ICT) has introduced such technologies which really help pick outrs and employees in the management of relevant knowledge. Companies cannot inject ICT technologies properly on their own. Therefore, they hire ICT specialists for the installation of every specific ICT technology. Smith (2011) states, An education and communications technology (ICT) specialist designs, maintains, and services systems used to store, retrieve, and send info. Let us now discuss the role which ICT can play in knowledge management. In the report, we will consider one of the most in force(p) ICT technologies which helps companies determine what information should be serene and converted into knowledge. The ICT technology, which will be discussed in the paper, will be Management and Information System (MIS). We will overly discuss the role of ICT in different industries. 2. Role of the ICT Technology ICT plays a considerable rol e in knowledge management. Management Information System is an face of ICT which helps employees in the management of information that is required to run different business activities. Martin (2010) asserts, Management Information Systems, which are often abbreviated to MIS are a instalment of internal business controls that usually refer to documents, IT, people and procedures. ... illon (2010) states, The chief principle of management information system is to make sure that the flow of correct information is facilitated to the proper(ip) people or parties in an organization. The key tasks of an efficient Management Information System include management of business related information, financial support of the collected information, and assisting the management in touch on the information. The processing of data into information and communicating the resulting information to the user are the very essence of an MIS (Lucey 2005, p. 4). Management Information System presents the data to the concerned department in the form of a well-documented report consisting of those activities that are needed to be executed by the management of any specific department. The main purpose of using ICT technologies in an organization is to develop and manage such tools which help managers, decision makers, and other employees of an organization in the processing of information related to different sets of tasks and business operations. ICT is considered an integral part of any organization because it controls all activities regarding businesses of any organization by providing the right information to the right person at right place and at the right time. ICT not only helps companies collect relevant information, rather it is also used to process, analyze, and disseminate the collected information in order to carry out key business processes of an organization. Abel (2008) found that MIS deals with the planning, management, and use of effective information technology tools to help people manage relevant knowledge. Without the use of effective Management Information System, the employees can never properly access or use the information that is required to run

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