Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Shah Jahan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Shah Jahan - Essay ExampleIt is after emerging victorious in these battles that Shah got a new title, Shah Jahan which is translated to mean the worlds king (Lefevre n.p.). Besides getting this title, Shah Jahan went on to rise in the military rank and was honoured as a prince.Later, Shah rebelled against his father Jahangirs power proved in addition much, and Khurram was forced to submit to the administration. However, upon the demise of Jahangir in 1627, Shah went on to succeed the Mughal, and was accorded more titles including the Lord of Auspicious Conjunctions (Cleveland & Burton, 44). Shah Jahans ascension to power did not mark the discontinue of war Bir Singhs son called Jujhar Singh rebelled against Shahs administration, but did not last long. Khan Jahan provided the other rebellion against Shah, but like Jujhar, Khan was killed at assemble Kalanjar (Begley, p.167)Shah Jahans achievements were not limited to the battlefield, but he built other structures including Taj Mah al. Classified among the Seven Wonders of the World, Taja Mahal was built by Shah Jahan as a way of commemorative his first wife, Mumtaz mahal whose demise occurred due to postpartum haemorrhage (Cleveland & Burton, 47). Even though Shah Jahans end was not as pleasant as his beginning, the achievements in his carriage are evident and tremendous (Lambourn, p.213). In 1657, Aurangzeb, Jahans son took advantage of his illness and took over power. He went on send his father into confinement until his death in 1666 (Dale, Begley &Desai,

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